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2009Specified Content Areas For Limited Access Permit Application EliminatedIn 2009 House Bill 3204 amended the Oregon Dental Practice Act by removing (a) general medicine and physical diagnosis; (b) pharmacology; (c) medical emergencies and cardiopulmonary resuscitation; (d) oral pathology; (e) management and psychology of geriatric and disabled patients; and (f) jurisprudence relating to unsupervised practice with limited access patients, as the specified content areas for the 40 hours of course content required for a limited access permit Pathway 1 application. This bill was introduced at the request of the Oregon Dental Hygienists’ Association and the Oregon Rural Health Association. Following the passage of this bill the Oregon Board of Dentistry adopted a rule to reinstate these content areas for the 40 hours of course content required for a limited access permit Pathway 1 application. Then in 2011 passage of Senate Bill 738 specified that these content areas could be chosen by the applicant, so the Oregon Board of Dentistry was required to repeal their rule because it now conflicted with the law. Return to Previous Page | Go to Home Page