2024 ODHC Schedule
Salem Convention Center 200 Commercial Street - Salem, Oregon 97301
Friday Schedule Saturday Schedule
Friday November 1, 2024
7:00 - 8:00 AM
8:00 - 10:00 AM Breakouts
Prevention, Diagnosis and Management of Peri-Implant Disease Presented by Munib Derhalli, DMD, MS, MBA This course will comprehensively review the current concepts of peri-implantitis (Prevention, Diagnosis and Management) and is intended for Hygienists who have been exposed to implants (Peri-implantitis cases) and want to broaden their expertise and knowledge.
What to Know About Myo: Introduction to Myofunctional Therapy
Presented by Megan Van Noy, RDH, Myofunctional Therapist
This course is designed as an introduction to Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy. The purpose of this course is to help the dental hygienist have the knowledge to identify orofacial myofunctional disorders to improve the comprehensiveness of a patient’s oral health assessment and complexity of their dental hygiene care plans. Upon completion of this course, the dental hygienists will understand the next steps of how to screen patients appropriately in the dental chair for orofacial myofunctional disorders and identify the need for their patients. They will learn who to refer to and how to help educate patients on the root cause of their dental needs. They will also learn the next steps to take to specialize in orofacial myofunctional therapy and how to effectively screen and implement into the dental practice.
10:00 - 10:30 AM
Exhibits and Networking
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Breakouts
Radiography: Practical Tips & Tricks for Better Radiographs Presented by Heidi M. Klobes, RDH, BSDH, Ed.M This course is focused on helping both students and registered hygienists to understand the cause and effect of how angling the PID can be the solution to almost any radiographic error in the full-mouth series. The most common challenges including image quality, capturing the apices, distal of 2nd molars, distal of canine and opening contacts will be reviewed. The concept of casting shadows will be covered in order to solidify the cause and effect of how angulation relates to the image captured. This will be an interactive lesson using real shadows and the anonymous poll-everywhere application in order to safely engage learners and solidify understanding of these concepts. Please bring your cell phone.
Dental Assisting Scope of Practice Presented by Jill Lomax, CDA, EFDA-RF, FADAA and Barbara Sigurdson, CDA, EFDA, BSDH, EPDH Dental Assisting duties vary state to state and are continuously evolving. Join us to learn what the legal (and illegal) duties of dental assistants in Oregon are, and in addition, what duties can be completed under the supervision of a dental hygienist. This session will present the wide range of dental assisting duties in Oregon, what certificates are required, a brief overview of procedures that dental assistants perform on the restorative side of dentistry, and how to collaborate with a hygiene assistant. You will leave this session with an expanded view of dental assisting in Oregon and what duties can be completed under the supervision of a dental hygienist.
Dilemmas in Dental Soft Skills! An Educator Armamentarium Presented by Ilya Babiy, RDH, MS, EPP and Kari Hiatt, CDA, EFDA, EFODA, MS This participatory course is designed to enlighten us all about soft skills that are critical to success as an RDH. What are dental offices looking for? How are DH education programs teaching soft skills and preparing students for the “real world?” How do you assess soft skills? Does it matter? And Why? How can educators approach students about awkward professional judgment and behaviors that stray from their program policies and procedures? Join the fun in discussing our real world dilemmas and learn how to face the soft skills challenges that keep coming our way!
12:00 - 1:30 PM Lunch with Keynote Speaker and Exclusive Sponsor Willamette Dental!
Keynote Presentation: Creating Your Professional Masterpiece Presented by Tina Clarke, RDH, ME.d Sponsored By: Kettenbach Dental This keynote presentation discusses the essence of personal and professional growth. It emphasizes that our past experiences, knowledge, and skills serve as the foundation for our journey. Just like an artist’s initial brush strokes on a canvas, these layers shape our career trajectory. Moving forward, the presentation encourages exploration. It prompts us to seek out future possibilities, much like an artist exploring different techniques, colors, and styles. By identifying pathways aligned with our passions and aspirations, we can create our own masterpiece—a fulfilling and impactful professional life. Just as an artist refines their work overtime, our careers evolve through continuous learning, adaptability, and intentional choices.
1:30 - 3:00 PM Breakouts
Impact of a Dental Therapist in a Community Health Center Presented by Yadira Martinez, RDH, DT and Brittany Fox, DMD This course will delve into the concept of dental therapy, exploring its historical origins and tracing its evolution to its current practice in Oregon. We will examine the pivotal role of dental therapists in community health centers, focusing on their implementation and the critical impact they have on improving oral health outcomes. You will gain insights into the integration of dental therapists into the broader healthcare framework, emphasizing their unique contributions to accessible and equitable dental care.
Creating Safe Places: Addressing Workplace Violence Presented by Jen Hawley Price, MAS, MS From infection control to effective workplace practices, safety at work in the dental practices and clinics comes in many forms. This session will address the critical issue of workplace violence, exploring effective measures for prevention and management. To foster a safer and more productive work environment, this session will explore case studies and share successful strategies for understanding legal obligations, employee rights and protections, and addressing and mitigating workplace violence. Session attendees will leave equipped with the knowledge and tools they need to contribute to a safer workplace, ensuring a safe and supportive environment for colleagues and patients.
Evidence Based Techniques and Resources for Teaching Ergonomic Practices in Periodontal Instrumentation Presented by Cherie Wink, RDHMP, BS, CHEP and Debi Rubino Dencek, BSDH, CEAS, CYT. This course provides dental hygiene educators with the latest evidence-based techniques and resources to teach ergonomic practices in periodontal instrumentation. We will explore the reasons behind the high prevalence of Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) among dental hygienists and learn strategies to help students develop effective instrumentation habits while preventing injury. The course also includes an in-depth evaluation of instrument kit materials enabling educators to make informed decisions on the best instruments for student use. By the end of this course, educators will be equipped with practical knowledge and skills to foster safe and efficient practices in their students.
3:00 - 3:30 PM
Exhibits and Networking
3:30 - 5:00 PM Breakouts
Unlocking the Potential of Dental Hygienists: A Focus on Caries Management Presented by Ashley Danielson, EPDH I’m excited to explore with you the true potential we have as dental hygienists. Our job is not just about holding a scaler; it’s about making a lasting, positive impact on our patients’ oral health. Together, let’s dive deep into caries management and examine how each of us plays a crucial role in improving our patients’ oral health far beyond just clean teeth.
Changing the Face of Oral Cancer - One Screening at a Time - Early Diagnoses Saves Lives - What You Need to Know Presented by Kyle Isaacs, RDHEP, BHS, QOM Sponsored By: CariFree Close to 58,500 Americans will be diagnosed with oral or oropharyngeal cancer this year. It will cause over 12,250 deaths, killing roughly 1 person per hour, 24 hours per day. Of those 58,500 newly diagnosed individuals, only slightly more than half will be alive in 5 years. The death rate for oral cancer is higher than other more commonly recognized cancers, mainly due to late-stage discovery and diagnosis. We have pap smears, mammograms, colonoscopies, and more to detect other cancers, but we do not have a standardized screening for oral cancer. The visual and tactile screening provided by dental hygienists, combined with referrals to the correct providers for biopsy, is the current standard of care. The first step dental hygienists can take is to get comfortable doing a thorough oral cancer exam on every patient, no less than annually and, better yet, at each appointment.
5:00-7:00 PM President’s Reception
Join us after the last session of the day for the President's Reception for light hors d'oeuvres, and enjoyable networking!
Saturday, November 2, 2024
7:00-8:00 AM
8:00-10:00 AM Breakouts
What’s New and What to Review in Clinical Pharmacology Presented by Ann Spolarich, RDH, PhD, FSCDH All dental professionals encounter patients with complex medical histories who take multiple medications, many of which have oral complications and drug interactions of significance to dentistry. The purpose of this course is to provide clinicians with practical guidance about the information needed to support decision-making with treating medicated, medically complex dental patients safely. Commonly prescribed medications, including their indications/contraindications and relevant systemic and oral side effects will be reviewed. Other topics include changes to the American Heart Association guidelines for antibiotic prophylaxis for the prevention of infective endocarditis, indications for common blood thinners, and managing patients with polypharmacy.
Infection Control Hot Topics Presented by Jen Hawley Price, MAS, MS Get ready to dive into the exciting world of dental infection control in this interactive and engaging session! We're going beyond the textbooks to tackle hot topics like dental unit waterlines and cross-contamination with a hands-on approach that makes learning both fun and practical. Join us as we explore the latest and greatest in infection control techniques, uncover common pitfalls, and arm yourself with tools to keep your practice running smoothly and safely. With interactive discussions, real-world scenarios, and lively activities, you'll leave with a fresh perspective on maintaining top-notch hygiene standards and protecting your patients.
Shaping the Future: Attributes of Effective Clinical Instructors in Dental Education Presented by Jessica August, MSDH, CDA, RDH, FADHA This course is designed for dental hygiene and dental assisting educators committed to shaping the future of clinical instruction. Participants will explore the attributes of effective clinical instructors, focusing on advocacy, education, and innovation. Through engaging discussions, educators will refine their clinical teaching skills and develop strategies to create supportive, dynamic learning environments that foster student engagement and excellence. By the end of the course, participants will be equipped to advocate for best practices in clinical instruction, inspire the next generation of dental professionals, and implement teaching methods that promote both student success and professional growth. This course empowers dental educators to embrace innovation in clinical education, enhancing their teaching approaches and elevating the overall student learning experience
10:00-10:30 AM
Exhibits & Networking
10:30 AM-12:00 PM Breakouts
EPDH Speaker Panel: How Expanded Practice Dental Hygienists are Storming the Dental Delivery Model & Redesigning Systems of Care Carrie McHill, MPH, EPDH, DeAnn Dardis, EPDH, BSDH (Moderator), Kim Perlot, BS, EPDH, MAH, DT (Moderator), Kristin Hockema, EPDH, BS, Lisa Balint, MPH, BSDH, EPDH, Tommie Kell, EPRDH This is a 1 ½ hour panel course highlighting innovative Expanded Practice Dental Hygienists in Oregon. Each hygienist on the panel is practicing at the top of their scope of licensure. Using a question-answer/moderator/panel format, attendees will hear examples of what a career as an Expanded Practice Hygienist looks like in Oregon. Attendees will hear from hygienists working in hospitals, school-based health centers, school sealant programs, medical centers, behavior healthcare, and more. Pediatric Dentistry – Tips and Tricks for the Hygienist including Restorative Techniques Presented by Michelle Stafford, DDS, Pediatric Dentist and Alicia Moore, RDH, Restorative Hygienist With increased recognition of the importance of the Age One First Dental Visit, it is expected that more general dentists and their hygienists will be in a unique position to examine the young children of their current adult patients and families or use the familial relationship to recommend visiting a pediatric dentist. This course will discuss incorporating more children into a dental office by utilizing their hygienists’ skills. We will present various behavior management techniques along with anticipatory guidance and Caries Risk Assessment for the adolescent patient. We will offer the current recommendations for radiographs on children and examples on why panoramic radiographs are so important. We will discuss how to best utilize a restorative hygienist to complete common dental procedures on children with an emphasis on giving safe and effective anesthetic. We hope that all hygienists will find techniques and tricks they can take with them and integrate these skills into their daily dental practice.
Transitioning From Student to Dental Professional Presented by Marti Santizo, RDH, MBA, FADHA You’ve spent years in school, reading, studying, completing prerequisites, core courses, pre-clinic, clinic, rotations, practicing, practicing and practicing your classroom knowledge and clinical skills, then it happens….. you graduate! The transition from student to practicing dental professional can seem abrupt, even after years of preparation. Making a smooth transition from the college campus to the “real world” of your first dental hygiene position can be difficult. This program is designed to focus on the value of continuing education, available resources regarding evidence-based dentistry and career options. NOTE: This is a course that Marti Santizo can present for your students when she visits your school. Marti will also talk about other course available from Colgate Oral Pharmaceuticals that she can present for your students.
12:00-1:30 PM
Awards Presentation Luncheon
1:30-3:00 PM Breakouts
Impact of Undiagnosed TMD and Sleep Apnea on Oral Health: Recognition, Communication, and Treatment Strategies Presented by Maryam Motlagh, DMD, FICCMO This comprehensive course explores the significant impact of undiagnosed Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD) and sleep apnea on oral health. Attendees will delve into the interconnectedness of occlusion, airway, and TMD, understanding how these conditions affect periodontal health and the longevity of dental restorations. Through an in-depth review of patient case studies and the latest scientific protocols, participants will learn to recognize the signs and symptoms of these conditions and effectively communicate findings to patients. The course will also cover strategies for educating patients and provide resources for referral or treatment within their own practice.
Dust off that Laser: the benefit of using a diode in your hygiene operatory Presented by Kim Pratt, RDH This course will cover the basics of laser physics and how the laser interacts with cellular structures. We will discuss the different procedures which lasers can be used as an adjunct and the appropriate coding process.
Get Inspired: AI Solutions to Empower the 21st Century Dental Educator Presented by Mónica Sarmiento, DT, RDH, EPDH, MNL, Melody McGee, MBA, RDH, EPDH, and Holly Erenfeld MSDH, RDH, EPDH Time is often described as the most valuable universal commodity. This holds true in academia, as dental educators continuously navigate how to prioritize and balance their professional roles and responsibilities. The 21st-century dental educator can strategically engage and leverage emerging 2 technologies to counteract the demands on time and support their various roles within academia. During this session, participants will be provided with an overview of artificial intelligence tools, considerations for ethical and responsible use, practical application examples, and an opportunity to engage in collaborative discussions aimed at empowering the dental educators of tomorrow.
3:00-3:15 PM
Exhibits & Networking
3:15-4:45 PM Breakouts
What Makes a Good Dental Clinician? Presented by Renee Alexandre, RDH, BS and Ilya Babiy, RDH, MS, EPP What do you think makes a good dental hygienist or dentist? What do our professional associations say about this? Licensed clinicians (dentists and RDHs)? What about patients? And why does it matter? Renee and Ilya will share findings from various sources that studied attributes of dental clinicians and what key stakeholders have to say about them. Members of the audience will be encouraged to participate and engage in discussion so that multiple perspectives are heard and shared. Licensure Portability & the DDH Compact Presented by Lisa Rowley, RDH, MS License portability is the ability to take your qualifications for licensure in one state and use them to practice in another state. Other health care professions have developed interstate compacts that allow them to have practice privileges in multiple states. This course will provide an overview of the DDH Compact that has been developed by the Council of State Governments and discuss how you can advocate for this legislation in Oregon.
This Year We Have an Exciting Opportunity for You to Have a Professional Headshot Taken at the ODHA Conference!

Christina Tselnik is an RDH, Dental Educator, and owner of Christina Tselnik Portraits. "Being photogenic is not required: You will enjoy your experience and you will love your portrait!" The bookings are 5 – 10 minute time slot increments from 7:30-11:00 am and from 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm on Friday, November 1 and Saturday, November 2 at the ODHA Conference in Salem.
After you have Registered for the Conference, your acknowledgment of Registration will have the link to Christina’s website where you will schedule your time slot for the photograph. The Portrait fee will be $99 and Christina is generously donating $5 from every portrait to ODHA.
There will be a handful of designs to choose from, and you can customize your garment to your liking. The Team of skilled professionals ensures that every step of the customization process is seamless and hassle-free.
From choosing the right design and color to adding logos or slogans, they will work closely with you to bring your Dental Hygiene visions to life.
Thank you to our Friday Lunch Exclusive Sponsor!
