Virtual Mentorship Program
Make a difference and more connections in the industry through ODHA’s Virtual Mentorship Program.
- Apply anytime.
- Connect on your schedule virtually.
- Share experience and knowledge in a safe environment.
Why be a Mentee?
Being a SADHA member is the gateway to your future professional development. To assist you in fostering the type of important relationships that will be with you for the duration of your career as a dental hygienist, the Oregon Dental Hygienists’ Association would like to introduce you to the Virtual Mentor Program. The Virtual Mentor Program is an exciting new way to meet your peers and connect with today’s dental hygiene leaders. If you choose to participate in the program, you’ll be paired up with an established dental hygienist in your area that can answer your questions, provide guidance and support as you complete your education and introduce you to the world of being a dental hygienist that you’ll soon be entering.
What is a Mentee?
A mentee is a dental hygiene student or recent graduate who would like to connect with an experienced dental hygienist for advice, information about the profession, or other questions that may arise.
To enroll in the program, review the student guidelines below, fill out the online mentee application. As soon as you have been paired up with a mentor in your area, both you and your mentor will be notified of the pairing via e-mail. Once you have a mentor, it is up to you and the mentor to decide how your relationship will function and to what degree you interact.
Why have a Mentor?
Mentors remember when they were students completing their educational program in dental hygiene? They often thing their time as a student would have been made easier if they had had a mentor to talk to outside of the program setting? Perhaps they could have transitioned more smoothly from their educational program into the professional world if they had a working friend to give some first-hand insight? Mentors want to give back to the dental hygiene educational experience and can be apart of ODHA’s Virtual Mentoring Program.
Mentoring is a relationship in which an individual shares professional expertise and experiences, and support for a less experienced colleague to enable that colleague to achieve their full potential.
What is a Mentor?
A mentor is a trusted dental hygiene colleague or advisor whose experience may help the mentee work towards achieving their goals and full potential.
To enroll in the program and get paired up with an interested student, review the Mentor Guidelines below and simply complete the on-line application. Once you have been assigned a student to mentor, you and the student will both be notified of your pairing via e-mail. From there, it is up to you and the student to grow your relationship.
Mentor Guidelines
I respect my student's time, and I will answer e-mails promptly. ("Promptly" is a term to be defined by the mentor and student.)
I will try to guide my student by words and example.
I realize the relationship between my self and my student is professional and that our communications should remain private.
I acknowledge that any views, opinions, guidance or remarks I may make are personal and may not reflect the views, opinions, guidance or remarks of the American Dental Hygienists’ Association, its constituents and components, or any other professional association.
I will notify my student when I am unavailable to receive/send e-mails.
I promise to abide by the guidelines or any other guidelines in the future, adopted by the Virtual Mentoring Program. If I fail to adhere to these guidelines, I understand and agree that my name may be removed from the mentoring list.
I understand that my assignment as a mentor is voluntary. If I elect to discontinue my participation in the Virtual Mentoring Program, I agree to promptly e-mail my student of this decision. As a courtesy to my student and the Virtual Mentoring Program, I will also promptly notify Oregon Dental Hygienists’ Association.
Mentee Guidelines
I respect my mentor's time, and I promise to keep my e-mails short and to the point.
I will try to keep requests for expedited responses to a minimum.
I realize the relationship between myself and my mentor is professional and that our communications should remain private.
When venting frustration or concern, I will not use profanity, make derogatory remarks, or specify names of people or entities in my communications.
I will notify my mentor when I am unavailable to receive/send e-mails.
I understand and acknowledge that any views, opinions, guidance or remarks of my mentor are specific to him/her and may not reflect the views, opinions, guidance or remarks of the American Dental Hygienists’ Association, its constituents or components, or any other professional associations.
I promise to abide by the guidelines or any other guidelines in the future, adopted by the Virtual Mentoring Program. If I fail to adhere to these guidelines, I understand and agree that my name may be removed from the mentoring list.
I understand that the assignment of mentors is voluntary. If my mentor elects to discontinue his/her participation in the Virtual Mentoring Program, and I desire to be assigned another mentor, I may choose another mentor through the Virtual Mentoring Program.