The Oregon Dental Hygienists' Association, a constituent of the ADHA, is committed to providing advocacy, professional development and networking opportunities for dental hygienists and the dental hygiene profession.

President’s Message

Dear Colleagues,

A healthy mouth means a healthier you! Let’s protect those pearly whites! Taking care of our patients’ teeth isn’t just about looks, it’s about their overall well-being! Recent research presented at the American Stroke Association's International Stroke Conference indicates that flossing once a week may significantly reduce the risk of ischemic strokes and heart-related clot migrations by up to 44%. This study analyzed data from over 6,000 participants and suggests that flossing's benefits stem from its ability to reduce inflammation caused by plaque buildup. While promising, further studies are needed as these findings are not yet peer-reviewed. Please check out the study here.  

Dental Assistants Recognition Week was last week and I want to take a moment to honor and celebrate the invaluable contributions of our dental assistants. Dental assistants are integral to our practice, performing a wide range of duties. Their ongoing commitment to professional development and quality dental care strengthens our entire dental team and increases patient satisfaction. Many thanks for your tireless efforts!

We are excited that the ODHA will be participating in the upcoming Oregon Dental Conference, April 3-5, 2025. This event provides an excellent opportunity for networking, professional development, and staying informed about the latest advancements in dental hygiene. We encourage all members to attend and engage with peers and industry leaders. 

If you haven't yet, please renew your ADHA membership to continue enjoying the benefits and resources provided by ODHA. ODHA continues to offer valuable resources for your professional growth. Members are encouraged to explore continuing education opportunities and stay updated with the latest research. Reach out to your local component director or the ODHA website and social media channels for the latest news and the current list of upcoming continuing education opportunities.  

Kimberly Perlot, MS, EPDH, DT

ODHA President 2024-2025 | To email Kim, click here 

In Memoriam

Sherry L. Lemon, RDH, MS passed away on January 12, 2025. Sherry was an associate professor emeritus of pediatric dental surgery at Doernbecher Children’s Hospital at the Oregon Health & Science University. Sherry was program director for the BS degree dental hygiene program in the OHSU School of Dentistry from 1997 until the program closed in 2003. In that same year, Sherry was honored as an honorary alumna of OHSU. Sherry spent her retirement years raising and training Black Russian Terriers and tending to her flowers and acreage in Carleton, OR.

Meet Joy Moeller “Mother of Myofunctional Therapy” at the 2025 Oregon Dental Conference

Every year the ODHA partners with the Oregon Dental Conference and helps to find a speaker who represents the ODHA’s contribution to the conference. This year, the professional development committee was tasked with finding someone who would really excite attendees. 

Back in 2015, after practicing for 10+ years, while at the annual International College of Craniomandibular Orthopedics Conference, I attended a course on myofunctional therapy with presenter Joy Moeller. At the time, I needed to “change it up” a bit and after watching Joy speak, I was absolutely invigorated about the topic and how I could incorporate this therapy into practice. I had so many questions: Is this legal for hygienists to do? Do I have to work under general supervision with this skill? How can I provide this therapy? Is it a practical investment? What is myofunctional therapy? Like many of us “type A” hygienists, I delved headfirst into learning by attending the Academy of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy (AOMT) and eventually felt comfortable and competent enough to open my own practice after moving through their beginner and advanced courses. 

Joy Moeller has been a dental hygienist for almost 50 years and a myofunctional therapist for 40+ years. She is a lecturer, researcher, leader, author and has created an avenue for healthcare professionals to gain the training and expertise to bring myofunctional therapy to the masses. She cares deeply about patients and is an advocate for a comprehensive approach to patient care.

I highly encourage anyone who is coming to the Oregon Dental Conference in April to attend Joy’s course. She will present one course titled, Updated Myofunctional Therapy and Current Evidence-Based Science and How Myofunctional Therapy Can Help Every Aspect of Dentistry. If you want to know more about myofunctional therapy, this is the course for you!

Looking forward to seeing you there!!

Heidi Klobes RDH, M.Ed, BSDH, RDH

ODHA Metro East Director

What is a Tripartite Organization?

The American Dental Hygienists’ Association (ADHA) is a tripartite organization. This means that when you join ADHA, you are a member on three levels: national, state and local. Your state is also called your constituent, so the Oregon Dental Hygienists’ Association (ODHA) is your constituent.

The ODHA has four local components. Each local component represents several Oregon counties based on the number of dental hygienists in those counties, so that each component represents approximately the same number of dental hygienists. Each local component has a director who serves on the ODHA Board of Directors.

The Metro East Component represents dental hygienists in Clackamas, Hood River, Multnomah & Wasco counties. Heidi Klobes is the Metro East Component Director and she can be contacted at [email protected].

The North West Component represents dental hygienists in Clatsop, Columbia, Marion, Polk, Tillamook, Washington and Yamhill counties. Payton Cueller is the North West Component Director and she can be reached at [email protected].

The South West Component represents dental hygienists in Benton, Coos, Curry, Douglas, Jackson, Josephine, Lane, Lincoln and Linn counties. Alicia Riedman is the South West Component Director and can be reached at [email protected]

The High Desert Component represents dental hygienists in Baker, Crook, Deschutes, Gillian, Grant, Harney, Jefferson, Klamath, Lake, Malheur, Morrow, Sherman, Umatilla, Union, Wallowa and Wheeler counties. Kim Pratt is the High Desert Component Director and she can be reached at [email protected].

ODHA members are welcome to participate in events sponsored by any of these local components. As an ODHA member you can choose to belong to any one of these local components even if you do not live in one of their counties. 

If you would like to change your local component, email [email protected] and copy [email protected] to ensure this change is made for you.

ODHA Advocacy Update

House Bill 2676 – DDH Compact

House Bill 2676 if passed would enact the DDH Compact in Oregon. As of this writing, this bill is being considered by the House Behavioral Health and Health Care Committee. Thank you to everyone who submitted letters and testimony in support of this bill.

We hope that this committee will move the bill to the full House of Representatives for a vote. If the bill passes in the House, it will be referred to the Senate Health Care Committee and we will again need you to submit letters and testimony in support of this bill.

If you would like to track this bill, visit this webpage and click on the eSuscribe hyperlink as shown in the image to the left. This will ensure you receive an email message every time there is an update for this bill.

The ODHA will reach out to you when we need you to contact your legislators. Please contact ODHA Advocacy Director Lisa J. Rowley at [email protected] for questions, more information, or comments about ODHA advocacy issues, and if you would like to become involved in ODHA Advocacy activities!


Oregon Board of Dentistry Adopts Changes to License Application Questions

After nearly 18 months of advocacy efforts, dental license and renewal applications in Oregon will no longer include stigmatizing questions related to mental health.

At their December 2024 meeting, the Oregon Board of Dentistry voted to remove the “have you ever” questions related to receiving counseling, therapy or treatment for mental health issues, including substance misuse, from initial and renewal licensure applications. These changes align with updated language already used by the Oregon Medical Board for physicians.

“The new licensure questions have significantly changed the landscape. Dentists and dental hygienists who are struggling with mental health or substance use challenges can now seek treatment without fear of stigma or lasting repercussions,” said Dr. Julie Spaniel, DDS. "This reform marks a significant step forward in reducing stigma and fostering a culture where seeking help is both encouraged and supported.”

The Oregon Dental Association led the advocacy efforts for licensure reform in collaboration with the Oregon Dental Hygienists’ Association, Permanente Dental Associates, Willamette Dental Group, Gentle Dental, Delta Dental of Oregon and Capitol Dental. The ODHA was proud to partner with the Oregon Dental Association and other stakeholder groups to advocate for the use of less stigmatizing language on applications for initial licensure and license renewal for dentists and dental hygienists in Oregon. The ODHA believes this is a significant step in supporting licensees and encouraging them to seek care when needed.  

Component News  


Representing Clatsop, Columbia, Marion, Polk, Tillamook, Washington & Yamhill Counties

Dear Wonderful ODHA Members,

I hope this newsletter finds you and your loved ones well. As we move forward into March, I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for your continued support and partnership. Together, we are making a positive difference in the lives of our patients. 

Important Announcements

  • Upcoming Component Meeting: This month's component meeting will be an online CE course presented by senior students at Pacific University on Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT) 6:30 to 8:30 PM on Thursday, March 20. We are looking forward to an informative session that will benefit all participants. To register for this virtual program, click here
  • Oregon Dental Conference: I am excited to see many of you at the Oregon Dental Conference in April. It's a wonderful opportunity for professional development and networking. Be sure to stop by ODHA's exhibit table during the conference. 

  • Stay Tuned for Updates: We are continually striving to enhance our programs and provide valuable resources for our components. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or suggestions. Your feedback is vital in helping us grow and improve. For any new grads, please email any questions you may have to [email protected] to be included in our new grad question segment of our meetings. 

We are grateful for your ongoing support in creating a thriving learning environment for our members. Together, we can accomplish so much more. Looking forward to more exciting events and collaborations in the coming year!

Warm regards,

Payton Cuellar, MPH, RDH, EPDH

North West Component Director | To email Payton, click here. 


Representing Clackamas, Hood River, Multnomah & Wasco Counties

Ohhhhh Spring is here!!! Just a couple more months of dreariness. However, even on a rainy spring day, there are still moments to appreciate….like early daffodils, cherry blossoms, and baby birds singing. The earth always wakes back up. 

Spring, and more specifically, March, also gives us a time to pause and appreciate our hard working colleagues for Dental Assistant Recognition week which was March 2-8, 2025. If you missed celebrating last week don't worry, many celebrate their hard working colleagues all month long!

The theme for 2025 is “Superheroes Behind the Smiles” and highlights the essential role dental assistants play in ensuring exceptional patient care and enhancing the overall dental experience. Most of us can agree that most practices cannot function without the hard working dental assistants around us. Many, MANY times, my most beloved colleagues have saved me when I was running behind (patient in the lobby, dirty room, and chart notes to still complete!) and truly help make a crazy day at work still feel so fulfilling and patient-focused. Also, and most  importantly, dental assistants are an integral part of our team, where we all step up for each other when needed!

This month, consider taking a moment to appreciate those assistants who have made your day better (Special shout out to Becky at Healthy Smiles of Scappoose and Samantha at Aesthetic Smiles in Portland!)

Here at ODHA, we love and support the relationships we have with the dental assistants in our life and also the professional association that supports assistants here in Oregon (ODAA). We are loving the collaboration and communication we have with ODAA that keeps us all focused on the best care for our beloved patients and professions!

We’ve been busy at Metro East with our monthly CE offerings. We have collectively decided that our CE's will always have a virtual option. That said, we have to be vigilant about attendance so that we can continue to responsibly offer these benefits to our attendees. If you choose the virtual option for an upcoming course, be sure you understand the check-in responsibilities. Though it can be a struggle after a long day, we always encourage in-person attendance as we promise that these two hours of growth, comraderie and support will bring you something more than "just" 2 CE's when you go to sleep at night!

HUGE shout out to Mount Hood Community College who has been so supportive and helping us host these events!! Our turnouts have been amazing and we love getting to know all of the new attendees and students. We also feel so lucky to have all of the speakers who bring their expertise and perspectives to our daily practices. I am personally SO excited and invigorated about finally attending a mission trip (with my family in tow!) which was ignited by our February CE panel and what they shared about their life-changing cultural experiences. My husband and I have been talking about how to give back and involve our children, so we are stoked about this idea!

Please view the ODHA calendar for March, April and May CE offerings!

As always, please feel free to reach out to say hello anytime, share ideas or ask any questions! 

Enjoy the month of March!!! 

Heidi Klobes, M.Ed., BSDH, RDH 

Metro East Director | To email Heidi, click here 


2025 ADHA Awards Program

The 2025 ADHA® Awards Program honors and recognizes ADHA members and contributors to the profession for their accomplishments in the areas of clinical, education, public health, research and more. 

ADHA Awards include:

  • Ann Battrell Visionary Legacy Award

  • Award for Excellence in Dental Hygiene

  • Irene Newman Outstanding Clinician Award

  • Hygienist Proud Student Award

  • Standout Seven Awards

The nomination deadline is Friday, April 4, 2025. Nominate yourself or a colleague for any of these distinguished awards and feel free to submit more than one nomination. Award winners will be honored at the 2025 ADHA Annual Conference in October. Questions? We're here to help! Send an email to the ADHA Meetings Team with your awards program inquiries.

ADHA Board of Directors

The ADHA Board of Directors includes the president, president-elect, vice president, treasurer, immediate past president and district directors. The ADHA Board of Directors is the administrative body charged with conducting all national association business. 

ADHA has 11 districts that each include several states. Oregon is in District XI along with Alaska, Arizona, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada and Washington. District XII was dissolved several years ago when the states from this district merged with Arizona and became District XI. Pamela Larrabee from Arizona is the District XI Director and represents these states in her position on the ADHA Board of Directors.

If you have questions, comments or compliments to share with the ADHA officers and directors, please email [email protected]

ADHA Adopts Position Statement on Dental Access Model Act

The American Dental Hygienists’ Association (ADHA) opposes the adoption of the Dental Access Model Act, crafted by the American Dental Association (ADA) and supported by the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC).

This proposed model advocates for dental assistants to perform scaling, a critical preventive and therapeutic procedure that falls within the scope of dental hygiene practice that requires specialized education and clinical training. 

The Dental Access Model Act is based on a recently initiated pilot program supported by the Missouri Dental Association and legislation enacted in Wisconsin. The Act and its adoption are controversial because there are no available data or reported outcomes of the pilot program demonstrating safety, appropriateness, or efficacy of allowing dental assistants to perform scaling procedures. Prematurely expanding this model without supporting evidence endangers patient safety, compromises quality of care, and undermines the established standards of dental hygiene practice. Further, the minimal training of an oral preventive assistant is not comparable to the extensive didactic and clinical education required for dental hygienists to perform these services.

To read the full policy statements, click on this link.  

ADHA Institute for Oral Health (IOH) March Madne$$ Peer-to-Peer Fundraiser

The Oregon Dental Hygienists’ Association invites you to join our team in our online fundraising event to support the ADHA IOH’s March Madne$$ campaign. For four weeks in March, we are asking dental hygienists in Oregon to help our team spring forward toward our fundraising goal. If 20 dental hygienists donate $50 each, we will reach our $1,000 fundraising goal. You can track our team’s progress here.

As dental hygiene leaders in Oregon, your expertise and compassion are crucial to advance oral health in our state. Your contribution to ADHA IOH helps provide scholarships, research grants and community service grants that move our profession forward and increase access to oral health care. Click on this link to donate today.  



Mount Hood Community College Takes Mission Trip to Mexico 

ODHA partner Mount Hood Community College (MHCC) recently took a student mission trip to Mexico. MHCC students, faculty and staff shared testimonials and photos from their trip.

(Pictured from left to right: Irma Gonzalez, Elona Bukmyrza, Irina Tsurkan, Magdalena Flores, Crystal Childers, Ilya Babiy, Josiah Babiy, Dr. Ana from Puerto Penasco.) 

Ilya Babiy, MHCC Faculty

Being a dental hygienist comes with many privileges. Among them, one of the most cherished for me is that we can give of our time, energy, technical abilities and heart while bettering someone else’s overall health. Going to Mexico on a hands-on service mission trip was a dream come true! Together with five senior students and several support staff volunteers, we had the privilege of serving a remote fishing village, Puerto Lobos, in Sonora, Mexico. Most of the guests in our dental chairs were receiving dental care for the very first time in their lives! It was incredible to be able to serve them, and feel so special that our care was so needed. Not many professions can come and provide tangible services to benefit others. We as dental hygienists can give a therapeutic dental cleaning that removes tartar from teeth, which allows for healing and keeping teeth in the mouth longer: to smile, chew food, speak, etc. The services dental hygienists can offer provide an immediate benefit people can feel as well as lasting effects on the health of the patients we treat. Home care packages and oral hygiene instruction also benefited the villagers in building habits that can allow them to take ownership for their oral health. I’m so grateful for my team of dedicated students who worked tenaciously hard with compassion and grace. It was a whirlwind trip, but we sure maximized every hour. And we wanted to get as many volunteer service hours in as possible! Our mission trip coordinators poured their hearts and souls into preparing every detail to ensure that patients and volunteers were well taken care of. It was such a personable trip - crafted to fit the needs of our students, schedules, program and of course the local community. We had many candid conversations that were deep. We got to know each other better. And I loved that I could bring my 11-year-old son, Josiah. It’s not too early for him to learn about the world around us. And how we can serve in multiple capacities with the abilities and resources we do have. This trip wasn’t just a service mission abroad. It was personal growth and a cultural exchange that allowed me to feel so much closer to my Mexican brothers and sisters. I only wish it was a much longer trip. Next time!!

Any dental hygienists or dental hygiene education programs interested in future collaboration with Amazing Grace Maritime Missions, please feel free to reach out to Charlotte & Zeus Ebio who worked with our MHCC Dental Hygiene Program to make all of the arrangements for our trip. They were travel and clinic coordinator extraordinaires! They also run a “Vacation with a Purpose” program that raises funds for their nonprofit to make projects such as ours possible while vacationing in Mazatlán paradise. To learn more, visit Amazing Grace Maritime Missions or email [email protected].

To continue reading this article, click here.

Pacific University Gives Kids A Smile

In observance of Children’s Dental Heath Month, Pacific University’s dental hygiene program held their annual Give Kids a Smile event on Saturday, February 22, 2025. Each year students, faculty and staff work together to provide free dental care for children from the community. This year, 53 children received over 500 services valued at $37,000. 




Master of Nonprofit Leadership

Our society needs extraordinary nonprofit organizations with talented leaders to make significant and positive changes in our communities, Students in the Master of Nonprofit Leadership (MNL) program at Pacific University are prepared with the skills and experience to be the nonprofit leaders to meet that challenge. The MNL program is designed for working professionals seeking advancement in the nonprofit profession, career changers and recent college graduates interested in nonprofit leadership.

Graduates who earn the Master of Nonprofit Leadership from Pacific University are prepared to successfully grow the capacity of nonprofit organizations. As leaders within their communities and nonprofit organizations, MNL graduates can build collaborations and partnerships that result in greater impact. They can apply sound nonprofit fiscal practices, policies, and procedures, as well as champion strategies that lead to greater efficiency and focus on the organization’s priorities and mission.

The Master of Nonprofit Leadership program is 100% online with courses offered on Wednesday and Thursday evenings. Students also participate in an annual nonprofit leadership virtual residency for an opportunity to connect with colleagues on in-depth topics. Students can complete the Master of Nonprofit Leadership in just 13 months of full-time study or they can choose a part-time pathway and complete their master's degree in two or three years. For more information, contact Amy Tracewell at [email protected].  


ADHA Live Webinars

What’s Next on your Leadership Journey: A Call to Serve on the ADHA Board will be presented 5:00-6:00 PM PT on Wednesday, March 12, 2025. This webinar will focus on opportunities to serve on the ADHA Board of Directors. You’ll also discover the personal and professional benefits of volunteering, explore the qualifications and time commitments needed, and gain practical advice on balancing work, family, and board responsibilities. Registration is free for both members and non-members. For more information or to register, click here

World Oral Health Day

World Oral Health Day (WOHD) is celebrated globally each year on March 20. WOHD was launched by the FDI World Dental Federation to raise global awareness on the prevention & control of oral diseases. The purpose of WOHD is to empower people with the knowledge, tools & confidence to secure good oral health. 

FDI relies on individual action worldwide to roll out World Oral Health Day in each country & create a truly global movement. FDI encourages you to use your local expertise to create an awareness & promote WOHD in your community. 

The campaign theme for 2024 through 2026 is “A Happy Mouth is … A Healthy Body.” WOHD hopes to motivate people to value and take care of their mouths and understand that by doing so they can also help protect their general &-being. 

A variety of resources are available to promote World Oral Health Day including fact sheets, message cards, posters, & social media tools. All content is free to use by everyone as long as it's used in its original form (no modifications allowed) & doesn't promote a product or a business (i.e. dental practice).

World Oral Health Day is a great opportunity to generate wide-spread media coverage & to raise people’s understanding of the link between oral health & oral health. 

For more information, visit


2025 Oregon Dental Conference

We look forward to seeing all dental hygienists at the 2025 Oregon Dental Conference, which will be held Thursday-Saturday, April 3-5, at the Oregon Convention Center. 

This year’s ODHA course is Updated Myofunctional Therapy & Current Evidence-Based Science, presented by Joy Moeller, from 8:00-11:00 a.m. and 2:00-5:00 p.m., on Thursday, April 3, 2025. This is a full-day course, so attendees must register for and attend both parts. Joy is a dental hygienist, myofunctional therapist, author, and former associate professor at Indiana University. Joy has been a myofunctional therapist for 44 years and has a private practice in Pacific Palisades, California.

Please join us from 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, April 5th for our Hygiene Connection Lunch: Get to Know Your Colleagues event. Stop by the ODHA courtesy table in the registration area for more information.

Join the CAMBRA Coalition!

The Caries Management by Risk Assessment (CAMBRA) Coalition warmly invites new attendees, especially dental professionals passionate about evidence-based practice, disease prevention, and person-centered care, to connect with like-minded individuals, share ideas, and advance their knowledge in caries prevention and management. Join us on the second Monday of each month at 4:30 p.m. Together, through collaboration, we aim to create a lasting shift in oral health care practices.


Vision Statement:
To deliver oral health knowledge to the greater health care and educational communities, focusing on caries prevention, evidence-based practice, and person-centered care.

Mission Statement:
To educate, advocate for, and foster interprofessional health care collaboration leading to scientifically-based prevention and management strategies of dental caries in all populations.

Whether you're a dental hygienist, dentist, or other health care professional, we would love to have you join us in driving meaningful change in oral health care. Let’s work together to make a difference!

If you are interested, please email [email protected].   

We hope to see you at our next CAMBRA meeting!

Karan Bershaw, MS, RDH, EPDH, FADHA
ODHA Treasurer 2024-2025, ODHA 
Immediate-Past President 2024-2025

Oregon Board of Dentistry April Board Meeting

The Oregon Board of Dentistry will meet on Friday, April 25, 2025, at the Board office located at 1500 SW 1st Avenue, Suite 770, Portland, OR  97201. The agenda for this meeting will include a Zoom link for participants who would like to attend virtually. Anyone may participate in the Open Sessions of the Board meeting.  

The agenda and public packet for this Board meeting will be posted approximately one week before the meeting on the Board website at Next, scroll down to About Us and click on Meetings. The public packet is usually more than 200 pages in length and can be found here. We recommend that you review this document online, and only print pages if you need them. 

If you would like to participate in the Open Sessions of this or any future Board meeting, contact ODHA Advocacy Director Lisa J. Rowley at [email protected] for more information. Upcoming Oregon Board of Dentistry meetings will be held on the following Fridays: June 13, August 22, October 24 and December 12.